Non-Surgical Rhinoplasties

Rhinoplasty is just the medical term for nose reshaping. An innovative and industry-leading technique, non-surgical rhinoplasties utilize dissolvable polydioxanone (PDO) threads or dermal filler to help give you the nose you’re after. Whether you’re looking to contour, reshape, lift or define your nose, this is the non-surgical alternative to the traditional surgical nose jobs, with much less downtime and fewer complications.

Before the Treatment
  • Avoid any blood-thinning medication or supplements including, but not limited to, ibuprofen, aspirin (if it’s okay with your prescribing doctor), vitamin E, fish oil, Gingko Biloba, garlic, or ginseng a week before the procedure.
  • Avoid consuming alcohol or tobacco at least 24 hours before the procedure.
  • Avoid any topical skin products with active ingredients that can peel or irritate your skin.
  • Wash the treated area with soap & water prior to arriving at the clinic. Avoid any makeup prior to the procedure.
  • Dr. Duong will inject some local anesthesia to the treated area before the procedure to alleviate any discomfort from the procedure.
After the Treatment
  • You may experience bruising or swelling after the procedure. You can ice the treated area.
  • Avoid massaging or applying pressure to the treated area for two weeks afterward.
  • Avoid heavy exercise or any activity that causes sweating, heat & sun exposure for two weeks afterward.
  • Make sure to schedule your procedure at least two weeks before any important event.

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